

make your own beef and rice cat food

As you know, your cats may not eat rice if fed alone to them, and beef is expensive in most countries, and it is not practical to feed your cat exclusively with raw or cooked beef meat.
Furthermore, beef alone may not be sufficient to proprerly nourish your cat (too low in carbs), this is why I suggest that you feed your cat today using this beef and rice cat food recipe.

Ingredients: (for one adult cat)
- one big cup of cooked rice.
- 1/2 lbs of cooked beef meat.
- 2 spoons of oil.
- one half cup of beef sauce.

How to make it:
No witchcraft this time, just mix everything all together and serve hot or cool to your cat(s).

That's all about making cat food with beef and rice. As you may have noticed, beef and rice are a basis for many recipes, .. personnally I find it to be a very good foundation to make almost any cat recipe, you just take rice and beef (or ground meat such as chicken or turkey) and you add some fish, a little milk, or (almost) anything else!

Have a nice time making your own beef and rice cat food using these free homemade cat recipe.

Tags: catfood with beef and rice recipe.

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